Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Phoenix is the big 3 today!

Happy, happy birthday son. We had to have your grandparents over on Sunday for presents and cupcakes because grandpa is in the hospital today. But that's okay because we know he is going to come out ok, right? Anyway it's just the three of us today. There will be finger paints, temporary tattoos, fruit leather, and probably lot's of toys and mess. We also have to make thank you cards for Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Chris, Jenny and Cassady, and, Nicole and Louie for all the awesome stuff that they brought you. It was a series of small get-togethers instead of one big bash, but ultimately I think it worked out better that way. You got to spend individual time with everybody. Every day we love you more, and every day you astound us with how much you've learned just since the day before. You are my everything Phoenix, and I just hope that you never forget that.

And yes mom, I will post the skate boarding video sometime in the relative future.


Anonymous said...

I wash I could have been there, I miss him sooooooooooooooo much