Saturday, March 28, 2009


Allison is the type of person who writes a blog about the people she loves on their birthdays. She's also the type of person who doesn't expect to read about herself today.
Allison, just about every other person who knows her, calls her Allie. But when she was in the fifth grade I heard her finally lose it on someone who couldn't spell her name. "It's ALL-IS-ON, it's not that hard." I remember it often and giggle to myself. I've used her full name ever since. Besides no one else calls her that. It's special. It's twenty years of still being able to smell that day, special.
Allison is the kind of person who calls to check on you when you are down and out. Regardless of what life may be handing her at the time. She's the kind of person who is able to shrug off the small stuff. She has a heart of platinum. Among the things that are different about us, is her ability to forgive. I readily admit that this is a quality I struggle with. For her, all it really takes is an apology that is heartfelt, with sincerity and honesty behind it. She doesn't hang on to things for no reason.
She works hard at a job she is overqualified for. But she is not bitter, rather she is happy to have that job and be able to provide for her daughter. She exudes a confidence that I cannot touch, let alone own. She is happy, she counts her blessings daily... sometimes she has to help me see mine. There are many things about her, that I wish I could count as traits of my own.
This summer we will have known each other for 20 years. She was a friendly face in my new town all those years ago. It was the summer time before I started 4th grade at my new school, she was in the 5th. I bet she doesn't know that for the first four days of school, the only time I spoke was when I saw her afterwards. The kids in my class thought I couldn't speak English.
There are few people I've known as long, and still speak to. There is only one person, who's not my blood, that I still make an effort to communicate with, and that's her. If she befriends you, consider yourself among the lucky ones. But she's my best friend, go and find your own!
So here's to you Allison, on your 30th. I heart you! Happy Birthday!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My name is Lynn, and I cannot sew

Mike bought me a pair of pajama pants for Christmas in 2007. Sometime in 2008 (early) I ripped them. They sat in a Tupperware tub until this morning. Five minutes ago I finished sewing, and I use the term loosely, very loosely, them back together. It looks like something two five year old children collaborated on with some scraps of fabric. Oh who am I kidding, I am giving myself way to much credit here. I totally suck at sewing. It is at this time that I finally regret bribing Steven into doing my home economics sewing. I dare say these pants might last a week. *Sheepish Grins* I suppose I'll eventually get better at it, I just have to practice. Oh yeah, and probably have someone show me, that might help.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The hunt continues

Holy f***balls, batman. I have been at this birthday hunt thing for damn near two months now. I have also been on the mission to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. My kitchen table is somewhere under a pile of birthday ideas, coupons, birthday gifts, too many magazines, and clippings of ideas for the yurt. Today Mike is going to Portland for more thumb stuff. He is also on a mission for the ever elusive "it" present. Hopefully he comes home successful. If not, I will be sending a box of "almost 'it' presents", and posting a painfully long blog whining about the greatest birthday idea I've ever had... and then crashing and burning. At which point I will also be saying the age old classic, "It's the thought that counts, right?" Of course I know it's the thought that counts really, but I would really like this particular thought to make it to fruition. Off I go now, back to the chase!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Path

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green Beer

Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I used to drink green beer on Saint Patty's Day. Now I have a two-and-a-half year old tornado. Today, the only way I'm getting green beer, is if I go buy a six pack and drop some food coloring into it!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Patrick and Patience

Today is Mikey's younger brother Patrick's birthday. Well, at least it is here. Technically it was yesterday for him, as he lives in New Zealand. I would love to write an actual post, but cannot as Mikey keeps needing to do things to the comp after losing the power twice yesterday. *Sigh* I need my own computer. I am not good at this waiting thing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Birthday Shopping, or Something Like It

Yesterday I decided to text the husband of my best friend in hopes that he could help me figure out her birthday present. It was funny, I immediately got back gift cards. I laughed to myself as I resisted to urge to send back, "I am the best friend, the canned answer doesn't apply to me". I did however notice the quick response and have to say he's on his game. So now the present is looking like presents. Lot's of little/medium/ hopefully I win the lottery and get to add something awesome presents. As I now have a list of about 30 different items, none of which I think is "it", but collectively I just might have something here. Ah well, off to text and dig for more info.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Monday, March 9, 2009

Bumbling and Fumbling

Yesterday I thought I was being productive when I penciled in my cousin Brianna's birthday for the 12th. Reminded myself I need to go out and get a card and everything. Unfortunately her birthday was in fact yesterday. She got a text message instead. Fail. March 12th is somebody's birthday though, so it's not a total loss. My great, great grandmother will be 97 years young.
I suppose I'm not doing much to buck my procrastination trend. Thanks so much honey for sharing your bad habit with me. Sheesh. I am going to go and get my calendar up to date right now... well after I get lunch done for Phoeny.

Friday, March 6, 2009

60 for 40

Apparently the first time someone uses coupons in their life, there is a sudden realization. The other day, I sent Mikey to the store armed with a short list and a stack of coupons. Although he came home with two extra things, it was way better than his usual extras. None the less, when he came in the door, he was very excited. He said, "With that coupon you gave me, this razor only cost four bucks!" I cautiously, I asked him how much he spent. He proudly said, "I saved $21.00! It was supposed to be sixty, but it was thirty!" It was then that it dawned on me that he had probably never used them before. When I asked him he said it was because he was a bachelor, and he didn't really need to. I don't know, myself, I think everybody could use a little savings. It adds up. Sales combined with coupons, equals money in your pocket. Or, as in our case, money that can pay a bill. In his one trip he saved a third of the bill. Looking forward, it's nice that we are on the same "saving money" page.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Computer dorking it

Yeah, so this is how you know you spend WAY too much time in front of the screen. Yesterday there was a speck of something on the screen. Without thinking twice, I wiggled the mouse. You know, to wipe the crud off with the cursor! Dumb!

Mashed Potato

Monday, March 2, 2009

I almost forgot


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guess What I Managed to Get in My Eye...

Baking soda. Yes, that's right baking soda. Two nights ago, while trying to scrub the daylights out of the older coffee pot. Curse you Mike, no one who drinks coffee as much as you, should own a white coffee maker. Back to the subject, so there I am scrubbing away with a bottle brush and *plink* one nice shiny globule of wet baking soda in my right eye. Then we get to the part where I ask Mike for help and well, he sort of splashes water in the general direction of my eye. *sigh* This does not feel good. Then I put my head under the stream of ARCTIC water coming out of the tap trying to keep my eye open. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the one instance where my eyelids seemed to be stronger than my fingers. Fortunately, I must have gotten all the baking soda out, or it would have probably really hurt ten minutes later when I splashed vinegar in my eye. Not that I recommend vinegar by itself either. It sucked. The end.