Friday, September 4, 2009

Gone Too Green?

I don't use a mixer. Haven't in my entire adult life. I prefer to beat things by hand because it saves tiny amounts on my energy bill. However when I found out that I was going to have to throw together a birthday celebration in two days time, I decided that once couldn't hurt. Mike's dad was having surgery, so I opted to make as many things as humanly possible. My arm hurt so bad! Mom bought me an electric mixer for Christmas last year, which I had tried once, but couldn't get used to its three speeds: fast, faster, and warp 9. At any rate, I bust this convenience of modern day technology out. Fortunately there was a camera on hand for what happened next. What I meant to do was press that little release thingy to put the beaters back down into the bowl. What I did was push the hyper speed button while they were still in the air. Of course I was wearing a white shirt... and the chairs I splattered along with myself and the wall, white too. Damn. Here's the evidence...enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh and you made fun of me and the tomatoes, at least I can work a blender! HA!HA!