Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adventure in homeschooling

There is no set time for class. There isn't even a set time for wake up. (Although mommy could definitely use it being later,*smiles*) A good chunk of every day in our house is devoted to learning in our house, though. A lot of times, what I have planned for the next day gets thrown to the wayside for something better, but that is one of the best parts. An early winter storm making today about weather. A freak tantrum turning it into a lesson in sharing sometimes. Sure, sometimes spelling gets pushed to a little later, but how many three year old kids do you know that tickle you and tell you a meerkat is getting you. It took us a little while to figure out a system that works for both of us for math, but he's progressing by leaps and bounds. It never stops making me laugh when people point out things he's "just not old enough to comprehend". Really? Who raised you? I could read at two years old because my mother believed she could teach me and in my potential. I believe in my son's potential, and I do not believe there is anything too far beyond his grasp. So when someone tells him he's too little to know something, it's usually them that get the admonishing. Don't hinder him, I'm sure he'll do plenty of that on his own as a teenager.
Sure, a lot of people don't understand how I can be so busy because I'm "just a stay at home mom". But being unemployed seems to be a blessing. I get to stay home and help mold someone's mind. It's awesome.