Saturday, May 10, 2008

The "I Am" Blog

I thought it only fitting that the first blog I post be a little about myself. I am a 28 year old mother of one. I am an over analyzing, cookie making, Pepsi addict. I have O.C.D. in the worst way, as I think it may be self inflicted. I have been described as a self loather, I'd say a Chronic Case self loather, is probably a bit more accurate. I feel way too much for my own good... I feel way too much for other people's good. I love fast and deep. I never forget my friends. I would die for you. Yes, you, reading this whether I know you or not. That's just who I am. I want to save the world one cookie at a time. I have always loved my environment and wanted to save it. I lived a long and adventurous life before the age of 21. At 26 I gave birth, and the real adventure began. I've drank a lot of beer, and done a lot of drugs. I've laughed and cried loud and long. I've lost loved ones, I've lost people I didn't know, but for whatever reason cried. I take on other peoples problems. I'd give anything not to see my friends hurt. I feel the pain of strangers when I look in their eyes. I think the government is a farce, and Hillary Clinton is a fuckwit. I'm all about organic, but can't give up the cream cheese. I'm all about going green, as long as I have enough solar power to surf this here interweb. I am one of those weirdos that likes to clean. And another thing, I LOVE to go running. I play a few instruments, and some of them I'm even kind of good at. My dream is to open a bakery someday in the Northern California area. I am the protector, teacher, friend, mother to the future leader of my army. I think that probably says about a quarter of what I was thinking I needed to tell you. Oh and one more thing, I heart you! Yes you dear reader, just because you are you.