Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day?

Okay so I thought I wasn't going to write anything in particular in regards to this holiday, but here goes. I am not exactly sure, but I don't think this is really a holiday for the mothers. I can't really say that I remember last year, but I think I got a card. Fast forward to yesterday. My mom is complaining about how tomorrow is mother's day and she has to go fishing with my dad. What? Why would you go fishing? She tells me that it is just easier that way. I say whatever, my dad can be a weirdo. Then today rolls around. At this time I am now in understanding of what she meant. The next time nitwit asks me what I want for this day, he's going to get a list of what I do not want. Because that's all I can come up with. I do not know what I want because I spent all day learning about the opposite. I do not want to get up early to a sink full of dishes that multiplied while I slept. I do not want to be chipper when at 10:45 you roll out of bed and I've washed said dishes, given the baby a hot breakfast, washed those dishes, and done three loads of laundry that cannot be put away because YOU ARE SLEEPING! I do not want to be asked what I want for dinner 37 times in 5 minutes and blurt out the first food that pops into my head. "Salad!?!?" I do not want to spend the rest of the day explaining that I don't want salad and to have to make something for the baby, because I felt guilty about not picking fast enough. I do not want to feel guilty when I get my mother's day salad and then decide I want to add avocados and carrots. And damn it, I DO NOT WANT TO LUG THE TRASH UP THE HILL AFTER THE BABY GOES TO BED. Ahhhhh cleansing.
So in conclusion I have learned that this day is not about giving this woman called mom a break. Oh no sir, it is about others patting themselves on the back for all the things they just know you wanted and they provided today. Me, I would have settled for sleeping in and not dealing with a rashy baby and having no time to get a shower in. Okay, rant over.


A said...

isn't it nice to have someplace to put the things you don't know what to do about... the thoughts that want out and the bitterness that is leaving the sour taste in your mouth.