Tuesday, February 24, 2009


About a month after moving to hell I met a couple of nice people. One of them was Susan, the other one was Vaughn. Vaughn is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. He has been continually one of the only nice people in this place. Probably last year sometime I wrote about Vaughn having cancer. Well as all battles with cancer do, they have to come to an end. I am afraid that it is coming to that time for him.
It took a little while for the cycle to catch up with me here in Washington. I dare say, I was almost a little less worried about who the next one would be. Last month Chad died. It was sudden, and nobody seen it coming. We all lamented the usual bit about not getting a chance to say goodbye. Right now I am reminded of how much it sucks to watch someone slowly go. Instead of losing their life at once. It's like a little more is stolen from them each day. They slowly fade. They hurt. You writhe inside, wishing you could help. But you stand by helplessly, and watch. There is nothing else you can do. Watch. And Wait. But you have to be there for them until the end. And I plan to be. I just wish after all this time, I could have learned how to prepare for this. Some way to steel myself. But I cannot. I am broken again, watching God take yet another one home.