Saturday, December 6, 2008

And A Merry Christmas To You Too Sir!

Dear Kalamites, Kalamans, or whatever you choose to be called,
I own exactly one beanie. I am sorry that it is black. I am also sorry that I wear the same black sweat shirt whenever I go out. I do own an Aerapostle, or however you spell it, hoodie. It lives in my closet because it is too big, and when I wear it I look like a sad M&M. I am sorry I do not buy new shiny things to wear and impress you with. Anything I don't need, I can save the money for something my child needs...or something else for him, (or someone else), for Christmas. I am sorry that my black messenger bag is weird, and that the reusable grocery bags that are inside it, are even weirder. Did you know a plastic grocery bag will last twenty years in a land fill. I have a son, maybe someday I will have another. I want to preserve things for them. I want to teach them the joy of vegetables that they cultivated. I want them to know that what is inside them is so much more important than the clothes they put on them.
Dear Kalama, I am sorry that you do not understand why I still smile and say "Merry Christmas!" when you are scowling. It's because I am a christian. It's not my job to be mean back. And I can't let your actions change who I am inside. Who I am is the girl who will keep smiling at you, because someday, you might smile back.


A said...

I have started saying "bah humbug" now when I say "merry christmas" and people don't answer.

Either they get bent out of shape or they laugh. Either way... I feel better.