Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holy Snowballs Batman!

Oh wow, I seem to remember saying something the other day about wanting snow. Hmmm. It's been snowing now steadily since Wednesday. W-O-W WOW!!! I have never seen so much snow for such a long period of time. When I was a child my family would sometimes spend a few days at a time in a small town in Northern California, I believe it was called Strawberry. I know a few times we went to Longbarn. Before I meander right on off the path, there are about two feet of snow in my front yard. Our back walkway is almost a snow tunnel these days. I really can't help it, I think it's grand. I actually prayed for snow a couple of weeks ago. I am so enamored with the idea of a white Christmas. This will be my first snowed in Christmas. I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with me, but I love it. We have plenty of supplies for a few days, and nowhere to be other than home. I am romanticized by the idea of just my little family spending quiet snowy days whiling away the hours. Doing the things that families do. Building ships out of blocks, for his pirates "Pip" and "Barry". Watching the Christmas specials that have been on for years... and a couple new ones too. For the first time finding solace from the O.C.D. train. Sitting for a while viewing God's wonder in each airy flake. No cars at night, so quiet you can hear the snow alighting on the drifts. I could sit, idle for hours just watching it float down.
The atmosphere around the homestead has been pleasant as of late, the snow I prayed for is here, (and the white Christmas (maybe, if it stays the way it looks), I was to embarrassed to pray for after having the snow start to fall, *smile*). I have a happy, healthy and extraordinarily smart son. I have his mostly intact, (minus the thumb, smile), father to help me raise him. I have the most awesome best friend on Earth, maybe even Mars. I still have both my parents, who I got to spend an early Christmas with last week. I have the greatest brother God could have given me. There are of course problems in my life, and the lives of others connected to me, but right now I'm okay. My prayers have been answered, even the ones that I didn't need. Thank you Jesus, for everything.