Tuesday, July 1, 2008

3 things


This writing prompt is to list 10 things starting with around here that are true about your house...

1. Around here dinner is between 4:00 and 4:30 pm...unless daddy is cooking.
2. Around here there is always coffee on.
3. Around here there are always at least 8 pairs of shoes by the door, no matter how many times I put them back, and there are only 3 people here.
4. Around here if the phone isn't occupied at 7:01 pm, it just seems weird.
5. Around here the rain sucks...until the sun comes out.
6. Around here the word no means, "yes but faster. so mommy can't catch me"
7. Around here "I'll be to bed in a minute", translates to "I'll be drooling on the couch at 1:00 am
8. Around here just isn't like mom and dad's house.
9. Around here the color crayons are like land mines.
10. Around here the magic kitchen fairy has the dishes done and the coffee ready when daddy wakes up.


This writing prompt is for you to list three things about your day today and explain why they are randomly important.

1. I called my aunt on the phone to say hello. She asked me if I called my God father, of course I didn't because I am a half wit who misplaced her calendar. So I hung up and called my uncle, wished him a happy birthday, and all was right with the world. *smiles*
2. My neighbor found a weird bug. We live in a duplex. The weird bugs are termites. The end.
3. Last nights plan to pretend to like the product of his kitchen experiment backfired. He asked me if I wanted another veggie burger for lunch. I had to come clean.

Senses Questions

This one asks you to answer the following 4 questions...

1. What is your favorite smell? The ocean.

2. What is your favorite feeling? highlighter yellow
3. What is your favorite sound? Phoenix
4. What is your favorite sight? These days the inside of my eyelids is my favorite, haven't got much sleep!