Saturday, July 12, 2008

To blog or not to blog

I haven't got a chance to post in a few days. Sometimes because I'm lazy, more because my hand really hurts, but mostly because Mike is a COMPUTER HOG! So I spend most of the day thinking about one of any given 20 topics that I am thinking about posting on, and trying to be in the right position to pounce on the computer chair when Mike is off to the bathroom. Unfortunately it's hard to stalk the computer when you are also cleaning the house and chasing a toddler. Most of the time by the time I am in the vicinity of a vacant computer, I am too tired and all my thoughts are nice and muddled together. Today we are going to a wedding and I am freaked out. I have worn a t-shirt since Phoenix was born, and I do not like this dress. I always manage to forget at least one angle on the dress when I'm in the damn dressing room. Unfortunately for me, this is always the angle that the dress looks horrible in. I feel like a cow, and I've got enough war paint on for the entire Apache Nation. Funny how that works out, I never wear make up any more for the sake of blue eye shadow. I wear it now, when I am feeling bad, scared, awkward, fat, or something to that affect. I can't wait to go home. I miss A. and I can't wait to meet her daughter and husband. I miss my mom. My brain is obviously still mixing the subjects together, but at least I touched on a couple of things that I want to write on in the future. The next few weeks may be a little sparse as I am going to California on sabbatical. But I am trying to get a few stored up! I'll just have to borrow some time on someones p.c. while I'm there. Thanks for tuning in!