Sunday, August 24, 2008


On the 8th of August we had a little shindig for young Phoenix's soon to be second birthday. For this occasion I tried, and failed, to execute a structurally sound cake. In fact, it was California by the end, complete with fault lines. Against my better judgment I used a cake from a box, or rather 4 boxed cakes, but that didn't seem to be too much of a problem, except for the fact that the cake on the bottom was made with a different brand of cake mix than the top. I figured they were all the same, but oh no. Let's not even talk about the pudding filling that ended up more soupy than I'd like to admit. *grins* But at least now it's funny...even the part about the well meaning friend who "helped" me get the wide based palm trees stuck in the cake. I was going to chop the base off, but I got my first fault line instead. Oh well, they tell me it tasted okay. A. even tried to prop the one side up with a pan, which someone of course, immediately felt the need to move. My mom's refrigerator had blue/brown frosting all over the back wall of it by the time it was done. Thank you to whoever cleaned that up by the way. In the end when my mom chopped the rest of the cake into kinda squares and stacked them haphazardly on a plate, they looked the best. Ah well, at least nobody was there to see that.
Today I have Mike's parentals and his best friends coming over to celebrate Phoenix's birthday which was Tuesday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! He's two, or thoo if you ask him. So I thought I'd take another whack at it. And viola! it actually came out. My ocean looks like an ocean, complete with mottled blue coloring. Go me! My island is an island and the palm tree is not 3 inches into the middle of my cake. And the best part, NO FAULT LINES!, Well as of yet. I'd love to take a picture, but I can't because I blew up my camera a few months ago, but that's a whole new post.


A said...

Oh, maybe the crazy mother in law will take a picture of it and I can see how nice it turned out. Was Pheonix happier when you sang happy birthday this time?