Friday, March 6, 2009

60 for 40

Apparently the first time someone uses coupons in their life, there is a sudden realization. The other day, I sent Mikey to the store armed with a short list and a stack of coupons. Although he came home with two extra things, it was way better than his usual extras. None the less, when he came in the door, he was very excited. He said, "With that coupon you gave me, this razor only cost four bucks!" I cautiously, I asked him how much he spent. He proudly said, "I saved $21.00! It was supposed to be sixty, but it was thirty!" It was then that it dawned on me that he had probably never used them before. When I asked him he said it was because he was a bachelor, and he didn't really need to. I don't know, myself, I think everybody could use a little savings. It adds up. Sales combined with coupons, equals money in your pocket. Or, as in our case, money that can pay a bill. In his one trip he saved a third of the bill. Looking forward, it's nice that we are on the same "saving money" page.