Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guess What I Managed to Get in My Eye...

Baking soda. Yes, that's right baking soda. Two nights ago, while trying to scrub the daylights out of the older coffee pot. Curse you Mike, no one who drinks coffee as much as you, should own a white coffee maker. Back to the subject, so there I am scrubbing away with a bottle brush and *plink* one nice shiny globule of wet baking soda in my right eye. Then we get to the part where I ask Mike for help and well, he sort of splashes water in the general direction of my eye. *sigh* This does not feel good. Then I put my head under the stream of ARCTIC water coming out of the tap trying to keep my eye open. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the one instance where my eyelids seemed to be stronger than my fingers. Fortunately, I must have gotten all the baking soda out, or it would have probably really hurt ten minutes later when I splashed vinegar in my eye. Not that I recommend vinegar by itself either. It sucked. The end.