Monday, January 12, 2009

Busy Busy Bee

Wow, I'm a veritable chicken with it's head removed these days. It doesn't feel like I've sat down in days. Phoenix's capacity to learn and retain new things is nothing short of astounding. He definitely keeps me on my toes. It is a welcome challenge to try and find new things that he can absorb. Mikey got a thumb this week. We've spent a goodly amount of time playing music and finding the limits of this prototype. If it works well, then we'll be on our way to a more permanent set of prosthetics. Also this week I have found myself hovering around the phone a lot. The BFF is in turmoil and I lie in constant wait of an update on what's happening in her life/feelings/village. There are many people cocooning her at the moment. I am filled with warmth knowing that they are there, and so I will gladly wait my turn. There is of course, the never ending swirl of familial drama. I shall spare you the details. We lost water for a few days. I'll go ahead and save that for later. None the less, when the city got it's head out of its arse, I then had two days worth of laundry/dishes/all the bowls that had to be filled with water/anything involving water to clean. *sigh*. Lastly, there is the ritual new year cleaning that I try to pretend I do not do. Who wants to start the new year without a little reorganization? Yeah, I know. Nobody else looks forward to the storage revamp except me. Oh well.