Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fabulous Freebies and other Awesomeness

Hello all! Today's post was saved by none other than my favorite freebies site. You should be relieved, as today's post was most likely going to be about the weather. Hey I can't help it, the random snow is nice. Anyway, before I completely wander off the path, more about HIF. My mom told me about "Hey it's free" after she seen it on her local news station. Being skeptical in nature, I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. Among the many tasty treats, and oddness that I find in my mailbox, I also now have a healthy flow of magazines thanks to this sight. Haha, I even joined their forums. The posts are done by a handful of people who troll the web for freebies, deals, and coupons. Now if only my fricken' printer worked so I could print out some of said coupons...hey Goob, how about a free printer cartridge??? He is the big cheese over at HIF , there is also Adam, Shaynon, and a couple of new people I am not yet familiar with. They are also having amazing contests from now until March. Check it out and start looking for your own freebies today. Can you tell I'm starting to get "link happy", damn OCD. *grin* Check it out, you won't be disappointed.