Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tag, I'm it.

I have been tagged for another writing prompt. For your reading pleasure, ten facts regarding food and myself.

  1. I love grapes, but hate all things grape flavored.
  2. I never eat fast food, it makes me ill. But sometimes I crave Jack in the Box, if I give in, I regret it later. But then I eventually do it again.
  3. I secretly want to have my own gourmet herb and spice shop.
  4. I want to travel to places sometimes only to try the food.
  5. I heart good food. I am excited about all the different flavors and textures that are out there.
  6. I am of hispanic descent and I HATE cilantro!!!!
  7. I think being unable to by the things that I would like to at the super market, has rendered me passionless for cooking.
  8. I hope it comes back.
  9. I wish my friend lived closer, so we could take the chocolate class at the college.
  10. I don't dig processed food, but every night at 11:00 p.m. I must get up and eat cheese its. Every night without fail. Cheese its, mmm.