Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day, The Aftermath

Thanksgiving here was hectic. Yes, only five people were here, but two of them were Mike's parents. I did dishes until 11:00 p.m., they are still not even down to fitting all in the sink. What really sucks though, is that I did dishes all day long, and had deluded myself into thinking I had any kind of a grasp on the situation. Mike's parental units arrived at around 2:00 p.m., and they didn't leave until 7:00 p.m. last night. At first my potatoes went soupy, but thankfully they dried up. Then I over estimated the amount of stuffing I made. Basically it looked like I had more ingredients than I actually did. Ironically, I swore that was not going to be enough, and it was the only dish that I didn't grossly overdo. I probably made everything else as if I was feeding 15 people. Oh well, I'm not the only one. Mike's only task was the turkey. OH MY GOD, when he brought home a 22 pound turkey on Monday, I could only marvel at the way-to-big-for-ten-let alone-five-people behemoth. "I wanted to make sure we had enough to make turkey sandwiches tomorrow" he says. Oh boy howdy do I have some leftover turkey. I have enough bleeping turkey to last me until Christmas! By then he'll have bought a gigantic Christams ham to last us until Easter no doubt.