Sunday, September 21, 2008

I give up already

There is no use for mommy to try to be sick. I know what you're thinking, try to be sick? That's exactly what I've been doing for the past two days. Phoenix started on Wednesday and by Thursday Mom and Dad had it too. Unfortunately for mom only in the world of Daddy does that mean anything. Lay on the couch, play on the computer, make me watch shyte on the fucking military channel. You name it, it's okay because well he doesn't feel good. For Phoenix it makes it more tolerable for him to decide to be whiny and stay up a little later to wait for his medicine time.
But for mom, there is no rest for the weary. If I try and not do my job, the house falls apart. Nobody eats, the dishes pile up, and let's not talk about the laundry. I tried to not worry about those things, but it didn't work. I tried Nyquil for a few nights, but that doesn't really work when you have TWO children waking you up all night. So I forfeit. Because it doesn't really matter how I feel, the show must go on. That is the saying right? The first load of laundry is in, the coffee is on, Phoenix has already refused his breakfast, I've already cried, and I'm about to do the dishes that appeared over night in the sink.