Friday, September 5, 2008

Same bat time, same bat channel

There is something to be said for the invention of the telephone. Without it, moms everywhere would suffer psychotic breaks a lot more often. It's a little after ten o'clock and I just hung up the phone with one of my far away BFFs. We talk nearly every day. Sometimes it takes 15 separate phone calls, (like I said we are moms), to finish a conversation, but it works for us. We talk about God, we talk about kids, we talk about random, we talk about food, we talk about it all. We have perfected the art of the subject segue and of having two conversations at once. We honed the ability to hang up, and then an hour later continue the conversation precicesly where it left off. We actually got good at this in high school. You know, back in the dark ages before three-way-calling. She had friends from another city, and they would call often, and I would wait. I completed many a jigsaw puzzle this way.
Much like my conversations I'm already off subject. What I was getting at is this. If it weren't for knowing at 7:00 p.m. free minutes start and we can hash out our very random days and then try to forget them by talking about lifes many other funnies. Plus, she says fuck as much as I do. Sometimes it's more drama from the world around us, than not. But we always laugh at least a couple few times. And laughter, after all, is the best medicine.


A said...

That sounds like a f*ckin' awesome friend. I know a girl just f*ckin' like that. She lives in Washington. I call her Ms. 7:07 sometimes.

ha ha ha

I'll talk to you tonight.

Oh.. PS... Don't forget to tell them about the free damn weekend minutes!