Monday, June 9, 2008

6 Things

This one is a writing prompt called memories where you write a small paragraph about each of
6 scenarios...

1. it is elementary school recess...

I am in 4th grade, but my best friend is in fifth. I spend the first five minutes trying to escape Stacy, and the next trying to locate A. Finally I spend the last five minutes trying to explain to her Stacy's latest plot to prove to her why she shouldn't be my friend. We laugh, and the bell rings.

2. it is summer vacation and you are 15...

I spend a lot of time alone. There are many secret meetings between us. Hushed conversations about the future together that will never be. Waiting, watching, praying. A few times I try to get him to go for a ride in my "cool car", you know to get his mind off things. We hatch a plot, that enables me to keep a part of him forever, but the chemo had other plans.

3. it is the high school football homecoming game...

I am stranded in the band section, sweltering in this horrid uniform. Thank God we only have to wear the tampon hats for half time. Josh Bluett walks by and jokes with his buddy about the dog in the band section in heat just waiting for him... he has the audacity to point. Looks like nobody else heard him, but me. I cried all the way home.

4. it is the last summer before college...

I am terrified. I spend my day working for the Police Activities League at the swimming pool, and worrying about the future all by myself. Alicia, (the girl who worked with me) hasn't slept in 3 days. It's a hundred degrees and her body finally gives out. She has overdosed, but I don't know that until the next day when I show up to work. I spend the rest of the summer just me and the lifeguards.

5. it is a night at home with the family...

I get the giggling wriggle worm out of the toy filled tub. Wrap him in his little hoody towel, stop in front of the mirror to make faces and head out of the bathroom. Although I have everything I could possibly need to get him ready for bed, it's still an adventure. He escapes the second his feet touch the ground. My child hates diapers...or at least the putting on of a new one. His daddy tries to gently direct him back to me before giving up and scooping him my way. We spend the next 20 minutes trying to lotion, powder, diaper and get him in pajamas. He runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off, using his father for a jungle gym, and creating more mess than I think 7 of him should be able to produce. I catch him, we read a few bedtime books, and then it's time for prayers and bed.

6. it is a road trip with friends...

The last time I went on a road trip with friends I was 18 years old.