Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dude, my kid just said Google

So last week when I happily texted A. with "Dude, my kid just said Google", two things happened. One I realized we say the word Google way to much around here. And two, how many more interesting things were going to come out of his mouth so quickly. The week has been peppered with interesting things like, "What does Daddy say Phoenix"? He replies "No". I thought it was hilarious, Mike did not. Today however, I got my fair share. We woke up this morning and mommy diligently made eggs and accoutremon. Phoenix has started this lovely new trait which involves throwing the food over the side of the high chair to let me know he is finished. Only today he just decided to pick up bits of food one by one, and drop them over the side right from the beginning. I was washing dishes and turned around and said, "Oh really"?. To my surprise, the little darling looked right up at me and said, "Really." Okay this is a little amusing I suppose. We all knew he was going to have a bit of a ornery streak. But then two hours later when he said something that sounded just like "You're stupid", I thought it was just my ears. So I ask him if he just called me stupid. "You are" was the reply. At first I tried to fool myself and make up something stupid that he must have really said. NO. Mike heard the whole dialog and confirmed that my child had in fact just called me stupid.

Just a little foot note, the little monkey also decided to turn around and put his butt out when asked for a kiss not too long ago. Maybe it will be a one time thing. But I doubt it, as every one thought it was hilarious, and he is a little ham.


A said...

oh that's funny...bad...but funny. do you remember how when we were little mia's dad made her eat soap for saying 'retarded'. I think it's retarded to eat soap.

At least it was stupid and not an F bomb.

A said...

Dr Lynn it has been 3 days since your last post...please blog.
Thank you. The end.