Wednesday, June 18, 2008

They found what?

Last night for some sick and twisted reason I decided to watch the news. BAD IDEA! Top story of the evening: "Body Found In Castle Rock". Castle Rock is about 20 miles up the road from me. That in itself is a little unnerving. But as always it gets worse. Before the end of the story the reporter says, "We've just got word that another body was found, this one just south of Kalama, the sheriff is saying it's been there for a couple weeks at least". Scary! After the news cast Mike says to me no Lynn, they are talking about a body they found here in May. To which I reply I know what I heard she said there was another body found tonight, that has been decomposing for a couple weeks. I freak out, and the only thing I can do is text poor A. in the middle of the night because it's just a horrid feeling in the pit of my stomach. After a sleepless night I begin my morning. Mike gets up and as always checks the news on the internet. Hmmm surprise surprise, he turns around and tells me that I was right, there were indeed two bodies found last night. So that puts the tally at 3 bodies since May 18. Two of which were found outside of Kalama. To put things in perspective, 2 of them were found under 2 miles from my house.
Now I'm left worrying about serial killers, and the fact that I walk everywhere, by myself. I've already scared my friends with the text last night, and for that guys let me apologize. And I am dreading even more telling my parents, who are already on a die hard mission to move us back to California. At this point Mike is even more pallid than usual, and talking about sending us to CA early. I'm all for it. This is not the first string of weird things that have happened here, and let's just say people like me aren't exactly welcomed here. All of this coupled with the fact that I spent Monday night on the phone with A. freaking out because I kept hearing scratching on the window outside, is a recipe for a melt down I just know it. Makes for a decent blog I guess, but definitely not good for peace of mind. Ahhhhh.
So let's recap. Dead bodies, overactive imagination, remote location, and horror movie weather. So not good.