Monday, June 16, 2008

So Which Blog Are You Going To Write?

So yesterday I was on the phone with one of my friends and the conversation turned to blogs. We talk a lot and many of our dialogs are peppered with, "That's a good title for a blog", or "I think I'll write a blog about that". And in the same vein there we were. She said something about 27 blogs floating around in her head at any given time. I reciprocated the sentiment. We both have kids, and hers has a runny nose today. Mine on the other hand is entering terrible twos, and is full of piss and vinegar already. Damn it, my mom always wished for my child to be worse than I was. So needless to say, we get a rare few minutes to post here and there. This is my rare few minutes, between my son being Destructo Baby, and my not-better-half hogging the computer to look at motorcycles, and I can't pick a subject. Isn't that just ducky? So I figure rather than waste this opportunity, I would write about something. Even if that something is the inability to get my brain to slow down long enough for me to pick a subject.
Oh yeah just a foot note, both kidneys are now acting up and I may have to take a little trip to see the doctor. Which anybody who knows me, knows I would normally avoid at all costs. But I need to stick around for my son, so I'll put aside my distaste for physicians for a little while. Wish me luck, these things rarely go well.