Friday, June 27, 2008

Are you F-ing Kidding Me

I would like to preface this post with the fact that I tried very hard to like this person, but enough is enough. As everybody knows my family always has a butt load of drama surrounding them. I try my best to stay out of it, but well, you have to get involved when someone starts throwing your name out there. So Mike's dad calls and asks me about going to dinner on Wednesday. I've spent all week trying to avoid seeing them on that day because my parents are coming to visit, and frankly I am not going to allow her to act stupid in front of them. Furthermore, I will not hold my father back when she shoves her foot in her mouth. So the best thing for all parties involved, especially my son, is to avoid the two of them being in the same vicinity right? Well it just so happens that I am trying to deal with said family drama and don't get a chance to run it by Mike yet. So of course within 20 minutes his dad calls back to ask AGAIN about dinner on Wednesday. So I apologize for not talking to Mike yet as I have this junk going on currently. As I am explaining the story I hear in the background : "I AM NOT AN IDIOT! I KNOW WHEN TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!!!". Which is funny in itself, because as A. pointed out, if that were true, then why is she talking? I needed the laugh. Anyway, I ask him what she knows when to keep her mouth shut about and why is she an idiot? He says something like oh no we are talking about something else, I gotta go, and promptly hangs up.
Now in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal. But for three years I have been at the wrong end of her barbs, and I am over it. For example a month ago I had to sit her and listen as she laughed about how her friends and her like to go out to eat at "Beaneries", other wise known as Mexican Restaurants. How my brother's illness is a sign of his immorality. How it's a good thing he can't infect anybody else now. How I am a bad mother. How I am a hypocrite because I drink Pepsi and don't allow my 22 month old to do so. The list goes on and on. My question is how much is too much. She's talked shit about my parents, she's talked shit about me. She's put me down in front of my child, and yet I am still asked to be silent. She is draining the life from me, and killing my relationship. And I cannot make him see it. I am truly sorry that I feel this way about his mother. But I really tried, and I cannot teach my son to let people put him down and keep mum. There is nothing wrong with him, he is perfect in every way. I refuse to let her break him down like she did her poor children, and like she's trying to do to me. How do I make him understand that I feel abandoned. I told him last night in no uncertain terms that I have decided that her being around me or Phoenix is not condusive to his development. I am sorry, do what you will to me, but you won't ruin my child.

The End.


A said...

I always knew satan was an overweight woman with bad least now I can prove it.