Thursday, June 19, 2008

Saga in June part I

I can't help but wake up this morning and have the feeling that today HAS to be a good day. After all there were dead bodies on Tuesday, and let's talk about yesterday shall we. Yesterday just as I was wondering why my mother was being a flake and not calling me back, the phone rang. This time it wasn't funny. My cousin Steven fell off a golf cart and it was all bad. This phone call was just to tell me that he was in an ambulance on his way to the hospital. Unfortunately my mom doesn't know when to keep details from me and so proceeds to tell me that the EMT told her they were opting to go to Doctor's Hospital versus Emanuel, (which is closer), because it was the better hospital. I worked for AMR for a long time, and that is never a good sign. So she tells me he's probably fine and whatnot. I tell her it's a head injury and I'm not an idiot. I've had an accident or two myself and you only vomit when you break a bone, and/or have a head injury. And we wait. Oh yeah, little footnote, it's probably not good when the ambulance guy doesn't want to wait for the parents, he says your the aunt can't you give permission to treat and transport. Yeah, not a good sign either. The second phone call comes in about an hour later I guess, He's getting CAT scans and losing coherency, and they think his brain is bleeding, there is talk of relieving the pressure. Is it time to worry now mom? The third call is much the same as the second, except it also includes we are waiting for a specialist to get here. Ok call me back. And we wait some more. The 4th call doesn't even begin with a hello. My mother immediately goes into the plans for where the rest of my uncles army is going to sleep for the night. Ok but why? Turns out, I'm not so stupid after all. Not only is his brain swelling, his head is cracked and he is being air lifted to Children's Hospital in Madera. The helicopter is already in the air. My cousin Steven has epilepsy, and has been off his meds for a while. I talked to my mother just a minute ago. My uncle had made it there and Steven will be in the Intensive Care Unit until at least tomorrow.
It is times like these that my heart hurts for my family, and how far I am from them. In some ways I feel like they are lucky, because at least right now, they are all sharing the hurt with each other. I am sharing mine with a computer.
All I can do is hope that today is a better day. It looks like it might be, the sun is out at least. Once again an apology is in order, for my dear friend A. who again listened to me ramble and not make sense because believe it or not, my cousin's drama was not the only drama of the day, but that's at least 2 more blogs.