Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I can see the light... the end of the tunnel that is. I made it completely through yesterday without a single drag of a cigarette! Yay me! Today should be easier right? I sure hope so, because yesterday was out of this world hard. I'm not sure if I just forgot, or the overall crappiness I felt when I was pregnant masked it, but I felt like total crap all day yesterday. With Phoenix, I just quit, not even a "well I'll have one last one". Nope, the stick turned pink, and that was that. This time, there is no little one to do it for. It's all on me, and up to my will power. It hadn't went well, I'd been trying now for at least a week. I believe it was two days ago I asked my BFF to please pray that I might have some will power. I know she prayed for me, and I prayed for me. To tell the truth I was very disheartened when I sent the message. I was about to just give up all together because I couldn't do it. And in true Lynn fashion, the more I tried to quit, the more stressful things came my way. My family's entire future as we were trying to get to, may never come to pass. NO, I do not want to smoke. The feeling will pass. The cupboards are getting uncomfortably slim. NO, the last thing I need is another cigarette. Leading to another expensive cigarette. By about 2:00 p.m. yesterday I knew I was going to make it. But with all the emotonal stuff going on, and the nicotene making it's way out of my system, I was also completely and utterly exhausted. I don't know what time I went to sleep last night, but I know it was pretty early. And even though I still didn't sleep through the night, I only got up twice I think. That by itself is an indicator of how tired I was. On a normal night I'm up about fifteen times. I'll take it! So here we are at the beginning of my second smoke free day, wish me luck.