Thursday, October 9, 2008

A-Z survey

Today I checked A's blog first, and there was a survey. I am addicted to surveys. But it's a good one, and I hadn't got today's blog fully thought out yet, so here goes some filler!

-A -
Available: Only on days that end with "y", yeah I'm a loser
Age: 28
Annoyance: Science has yet to give me a teleportation device, or Washington, or the 600 or so miles between me and home
-B -
Best feature: my heart
Beer: Yes please, oh wait, its 8:35 in the morning
Birthday: April 14
-C -
Crush: Orange, grape sucks
Car: crashed it 5 years ago
Candy: Abbazabba you're my only friend, (in Washington)
-D -
Day or night: doesn't matter, it's always dark here
Dream car: 1934 3 window coupe
Dogs or Cats: Both
-E -
Egg nog: not right now
E-mail: No one ever does
-F -
Favorite colour(s): Chrome
Favorite Band: Me First and the Gimme Gimmies
-G -
Gummy Bears or Worms: Sour patch kids
Giver or taker: Giver
-H -
Hair Color: Dark brownish red
Height: 5' 1" if measured with thick shoes on, ;)
Happy: One of my favorite dwarves
-I -
Ice Cream: gives me heart burn, but I still eat the Raider's one
Instrument: Phoenix's accordian
Idol: my brother Amos
-J -
Jewelry: Three rings, one from my mom, and two that were my grandma's
Job: domestic engineer, music maker, dreamer of dreams
Jail: not yet thank God
-K -
Kids: Phoenix
Kickboxing or karate: Mui Thai
Kindergarten: I used to practice counting at recess, I didn't have any friends
-L -
Longest Car Ride: To Missouri and back for my brother's graduation from Basic Training
-M -
Meat: I heart poultry
Most missed person: Robert Virgen
Movie Last Watched: Zoom
-N -
Number of Siblings: I have a brother
Name: apparently yesterday it was elephant, thanks son
-O -
One wish: I'd really dig that teleporter
One regret: That I can't go back
-P -
Part of your appearance you like best: yellow converse
Perfectionist: I try
-Q -
Quick or Slow: Quick to notice, too slow to catch him most of the time
Quiet or loud: loud
-R -
Reason to smile: Phoenix
Reality TV Shows: I like game shows
-S -
Song Last Heard: Superman by Five for Fighting, it was in the movie
Season: There is only one in Washington, WET
Shoes you're wearing: none
-T -
Time you woke up: I got out of bed at 7:30
Time you went to bed: I tried to sleep all night, but I went to bet at 10:45
Time Now: 8:49 a.m.
Time for bed: can't come soon enough
-U -
Unpredictable: I'm so damn unpredictable you already know it's coming *smile*
Underwear: polka dotted
-V -
Vegetable you hate: I don't do radishes
Vegetable you love: broccoli, squash, potatoes, ah I heart most of them
Vacation spot: beach
Worst habit: self deprecation
Where are you going to next: the post office
Weather: Rain
-X -
X-tra special someone: I can count them on my fingers
X-rays: I glow now, probably shouldn't have any more if possible
-Y -
Year it is now: 2008
Yellow: I vaguely remember an orb in the sky that was that color, I believe in California they call it the sun
-Z -
Zoo Animal: Bush babies
Zodiac Sign: Aries