Monday, October 13, 2008

Par for the course

Yesterday started with the realization that I only had three eggs, no mustard, and one dryer sheet. *Sigh* I cooked one of the eggs, and of course Phoenix decided he didn't like eggs today. Joy. I talk to my BFF for what is never enough time... we both have very willful toddlers. *Smile* I inevitably unload more of my current inner turmoil than I wanted to, and today feel guilty about that. *Sigh* I'll do better tonight... if she calls. I wouldn't blame her if she needed a break from me. But I digress, back to Craptastic Sunday. Phoenix refuses lunch and is sent to his nap, screeches rivaling a howler monkey. I get in some more BFF phone time, and do some character leveling on Final Fantasy while getting an hour in on the exercise ball. Endorphins my ass. I do not feel better. In fact, I'm not sure what you do with this thing besides bounce. Oh well, at least the heart rate is up. Phoenix wakes up in a less than stellar mood and is immediately sent back to his room for assaulting his mother with a kick to the shin. He throws things, screams things like "why" and "noooooo". Punctuating this mammoth tantrum with a horrid guttural noise that he picked up from an eight year old menace. Terrible twos suck ass! The foray into holy terror lasts for forty five minutes, no joke. I wish I was exaggerating. Now I need to drag the garbage can up the hill. So I unlock the door and then nearly pull my arm out of socket when it refuses to budge. What now? Apparently the doorknob is broken. Enter "manly man" who practically shoves the "little lady" aside to fix the problem. *Grrrrr* Um, who was on HER way to take care of the garbage? I'm just saying. An hour later Phoenix is banished to bed. Oh yeah, he refused his dinner too. Full on melt down. Any way the door eventually has to be pulled off the hinges. It's Fifty degrees outside. Brilliant. When it does come off, the inner workings of the doorknob disintegrate and fall to the ground like a bag of candy. Crap. So at 7:30 p.m. Mike's dad is here with a new doorknob and a receipt for the landlord. Awesome. An hour later I have a new doorknob, a child who is still not asleep, and a headache. But I've logged another hour on the exercise ball. For what is I think the first time in my life, I am looking forward to Monday.


A said...

Well you left out the part where you do an exercise ball and talk to me on the phone while you have OCD video game tendencies...

Which I think is rather talented and negates your OCDness on the fact that it's cool you can do that many things at once.