Saturday, October 18, 2008

Surprise, surprise!

At five o'clock this morning I was unable to go to sleep. Sometime last night during my normal conversation with my mom, I realized she was up to something. I knew she was driving and I knew it was later in the evening, and she's a bad liar. So in the back of my head where the voice was saying, "they are on the way here", was also coming the thought, "you better drink some coffee". But, there was a slight miscalculation on my part. I figured that they were probably farther away than I thought they were, and I was going to have to stay up later waiting for them to call. So I drank two cups. Not only is two cups more than my brain can handle on Mike normal uber coffee, he bought something different yesterday. Apparently it was cut with rocket fuel. I literally could feel my brain twitching. Even worse, they called at oh, eleven, the normal time I try and hit the hey. There were no dishes to do, there was no laundry to fold, there were no beds to be made. I am a reformed Pepsi addict, and have had no form of caffeine for at least a few days, (hey everybody has relapses), and two cups of this stuff was all around a bad idea. I thought about blogging, but I couldn't sit still. I thought about calling A. back, but I'd already all but talked her ear off, geez, her head was probably spinning already. So I watched comedy central.