Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Our parents would let us keep going until we were ready to drop. our grandmother hand made each of us our own pillow case sized trick-or-treat bags. Mine was green with a plastic lining sewn on the inside. Every year, (at least my elementary school ones), my mom and aunts would break out the sewing machines and think up our costumes. The five of us, our parents, and one aunt who was short enough to trick or treat, loaded up in the back of my dad's truck, exited to the point of bursting. Trick-or-Treating here we come! back to the truck we'd clamor, neighborhood after neighborhood. Our parents probably took bets on how long we would last. But patiently they'd wait, no matter how many times we came back saying, "just one more block!" *smile* Then to the house for the painstaking waiting. Waiting for mom to complete the meticulous inspection of the loot. *grins* I bet it didn't take the hours that I remember.

Now it's my turn to inspect the candy. Last year Phoenix got dressed up only to go to the neighbor's houses and come home. This year Daddy and Chris are taking him out and Mommy is passing out candy at Jenny's. He's still a little small for the marathons, so I'll join them next year. I hope he grows up to have as many happy Halloween memories as I do.